MPlab is part of the Smart Electric Energy (SEE) research area and supports the coordination of the master specialization. Relevant SEE course offerings are listed below.
- ELEN E4511
- Power Systems Analysis
- EEEL E4220
- Energy Systems Econ. and Optimization
- ELEN E6901
- Energy Storage for the Electric Grid
- ELEN E6909
- Motor Drive Systems
- ELEN E4906
- Electric Drivetrain Lab
- ELEN E4510
- Solar Energy and the Smart Grid
- ELEN E6901
- Smart Grid Technologies
- ELEN E6906
- Future Energy: Economics, Systems, Policies
- ELEN E4361
- Power Electronics
- ELEN E4511
- Power Systems Analysis
- EEEL E4220
- Energy Systems Econ. and Optimization
- ELEN E4901
- Photovoltaic Systems Eng. and Sustainability
- ELEN E6901
- Energy Storage for the Electric Grid
- ELEN E4902
- Electric Machines
- ELEN E6901
- Smart Grid Technologies
- ELEN E6906
- Future Energy: Economics, Systems, Policies
- ELEN E4361
- Power Electronics
- EEEL E4511
- Power Systems Analysis
- ELEN E4901
- Photovoltaic Systems Eng. and Sustainability
- EEEL E4220
- Energy Systems Econ. and Optimization
- ELEN E4902
- Electric Machines
- ELEN E6909
- Motor Drive Systems
- ELEN E6901
- Smart Grid Tech.
- ELEN E4361
- Power Electronics
- ELEN E4511
- Power Systems Analysis
- ELEN E4901
- Photovoltaic Systems Eng. and Sustainability
- EAEE E4220
- Energy Systens Econ. and Optimization
- ELEN E4361
- Power Electronics
- ELEN E4906
- EV Drivetrain Lab
- ELEN E4361
- Power Electronics
- ELEN E4511
- Power Systems Analysis
- ELEN E4907
- EV Drivetrain Lab
- ELEN E4361
- Power Electronics
- ELEN E6902
- Renewable Power Systems
- ELEN E6902
- Renewable Power Systems
Courses in future semesters are subject to change.